Key Mismatch Attack


Key mismatch attack

前几天打DownUnderCTF碰到了一个针对Kyber的key mismathc attack。题目只给了一个若干次的解密oracle,最后还能恢复密钥,遂感觉很牛逼,于是研究一下:D

  • Misuse attacks on post-quantum cryptosystems. 2019
  • Assessment of the key-reuse resilience of NewHope. 2019
  • Complete attack on RLWE key exchange with reused keys, without signal leakage. 2018
  • Do not bound to a single position: Near-Optimal multipositional mismatch attacks against Kyber and Saber. 2022
  • Lattice reduction meets key-mismatch: New misuse attack on Lattice-based NIST candidate KEMs. 2022
  • Improving key mismatch attack on NewHope with fewer queries. 2020
  • A complete and optimized key mismatch attack on NIST candidate NewHope. 2019
  • An efficient key mismatch attack on the NIST second round candidate Kyber. 2019
  • A systematic approach and analysis of key mismatch attacks on lattice-based NIST candidate KEMs. 2021